
Like some winter animal the moon licks the salt of your hand, yet still your hair foams violet as a lilac tree, from which a small wood-owl calls.” – Johannes Bobrowski

I want my words to conjure spring instead of this rare winter whose cool countenance blankets our usual lush green landscape. There are icicles on the balcony railing and a small drift of snow holds the tiny prints of the juncos who have come to forage. Nearby, a large tree outside my window fills with the sound of excited blackbirds who have taken to roosting there during the daylight hours, sometimes 80 at a time! The falling snow does not seem to bother them and when I look outside again into the snow globe swirl, I can still see their dark shapes.

The weather soon brings some respite, freezing rain arrives and I find my world more navigable – I can walk long distances again without worry of black ice catching me by surprise. The sidewalks are clear though there is still some snow clinging to the branches of trees I pass as well as covering the once grassy boulevards. Out of nowhere, it seems, fat robins have appeared, taking full advantage of the lull between winter and spring. Their high-spirited antics lighten my heart, reminding me that the dark edges of winter are fading fast.

It’s time to shake off this grief and worry – to find the girl who walked the country roads of Germany with a gaggle of local kids from the village we lived in, to go swimming at the big city pool, cooling off on a hot summer’s day and feeling like a mermaid with her long hair floating in the turquoise water. Tonight there will be a lunar eclipse heralding a sense of celebration and new beginnings, perhaps we can harness the winds of change that have been let loose upon the world and reminiscent of that girl of long ago, float upon calmer waters, forever boundless.

A winter capture of the limitless Vancouver skyline as seen from Lost Lagoon (Vancouver, B.C.).

A winter capture of the limitless Vancouver skyline as seen from Lost Lagoon (Vancouver, B.C.).

Journal Entry: February 12, 2000 – Vancouver, B.C.

We left Mexico on Feb.06th and I’m still recalling the great dinner we had at Roberto’s on Basillio Badillo and the sad part that came after, at Viva Cafe – saying goodbye to Sonny (the charismatic owner of the cafe) and his family. During the day, we had a good visit at the cafe with him, his wife and lovely daughter. It was a beautiful day, the sun was shining and there was a perfect breeze, it reminded me of a warm spring wind. We played and laughed, it almost felt like we weren’t going away. But we were and here we are, back in Vancouver! It’s been a rough week for us, Terry & I miss seeing signs written in Spanish, even our Canadian money doesn’t look familiar – we want the colours, scents and heat of Puerto Vallarta. I especially miss the energy and faces of my neighbourhood. It’s sunny and warm out today, this helps a lot! Since we’ve come back, we’ve had some dark and rainy days, making us want to jump on a plane to fly back home. But when the sun shines here in Vancouver, I find I’m beginning to feel that I’m back in my former home – a northern home that is also very beautiful.

This is my inspiration, a winter sunset reflecting off the mountains and dark forest of Stanley Park as seen from our windows (Vancouver, B.C.).

This is my inspiration, a winter sunset reflecting off the mountains and dark forest of Stanley Park as seen from our windows (Vancouver, B.C.).

Eight snow events since the beginning of December 2016 resulting in this winter wonderland outside my 9th floor apartment windows (Vancouver, B.C.). More inspiration!

Eight snow events since the beginning of December 2016 resulting in this winter wonderland outside my 9th floor apartment windows (Vancouver, B.C.). More inspiration!

A most magical spot on the seawall; rain, shine or frost, it doesn't matter (Vancouver, B.C.)!

A most magical spot on the seawall; rain, shine or frost, it doesn’t matter (Vancouver, B.C.)!

About anotetohuguette

I'm currently blogging from the beautiful West Coast city of Vancouver, British Columbia - a vibrant city by the sea, surrounded by mountains and a very unique urban forest.
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14 Responses to Boundless

  1. Shirley Ross says:

    That boundless girl will always be. We are prone to be adult on the face of things, but the inner child will always remain. I remember taking you to swimming classes at the age of 6 months. You clung to a flat board, little legs and arms, fluttering around, in the warm water, being pulled by me, you picking the chewed gum from the hidden recess of the pools upper filtered ridge, giggles of happiness like you found the treasures of the Incas.. Looking forward to the eclipse, and pray it is not hidden in the pinky grey clouds above my apartment.
    Love Mom

    Liked by 2 people

  2. markmkane says:

    I loved how your past posts described the winter you’re experiencing but I’m looking forward to your future posts on spring and summer where the colors are more vibrant. Can’t wait to see how you’re going to describe that with your gift of prose.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. ugetse says:

    Oh Kim, our beautiful moon child. You are still a mermaid, a child that laugh and enjoy every new discovery of nature. You have a big thirst for life. Your enthusiasm is unlimited. You have a great essence and authenticity. I adore these notes of your two homes. Mexico and Canada. The photos are superbes. Never stop being yourself. Never stop writing. You are a real gift. Huguette ❤️

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Great writing and I love the attached journal entry! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  5. michnavs says:

    I love your post and i always look forward to what your mom has to say…
    We may be adults but the child in us will always be there..and that what makes us move forward..conquer our fears and live our dreams..

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Great post. Its going to be fun seeing the world through your eyes and words. Keep posting.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. What a beautifully evocative post. I loved the description of all the birds and your sadness at leaving Mexico. Take care. 😍

    Liked by 1 person

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