#Route97 (Part 1)

Though we travel the world over to find the beautiful, we must carry it with us or we find it not.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

I’ve never heard the ocean singing until today (down by Second Beach), as the waves slowly made their way to shore, each wavelet moving over the rocks and pebbles added to the melody already created by the moon’s eternal pull – what a beautiful send off before our long awaited road trip to explore the Thompson Okanagan region of our province, aiming for Route 97, a connector route inviting travellers to explore the Columbia Cascades area and North Central Washington, our final destination, the ever-growing city of Kelowna.

On our way out of Vancouver, after about one hour on the road, we found a sunny picnic table in the lush woods of Bridal Veil Falls Provincial Park (reputedly named by a romantic, located between Chilliwack and Hope) beside a fast-moving creek, the run-off from still snow-capped mountains melting at historic levels not seen in a decade. The rushing water keeps this moss-laden world cool despite the present summer-like temperatures, the park already an extremely high humidity area allowing 250 species of mosses to flourish and delight our eyes. There is even one species of moss found only here in this verdant forest and in Scotland! Thick homemade sandwiches eaten outside added another blissful layer to the perfect rest stop before heading up country.

We took the Coquihalla highway up through mythological mountain passes and yawning canyons, memories of previous trips shimmering below the vistas passing outside our rental car windows. Massive waterfalls tumbling down sheer shale slopes dotted the landscape some still covered in layers of pristine snow. It was this ghostly moonscape now threatening the valleys below with potential flooding…a sobering thought as we continued to climb the summit.

On many trips back east to Ontario, I always kept my eyes open on travels up north hoping to see one of Canada’s iconic symbols, the majestic moose – no matter how hard I looked, this beast remained elusive until a casual look outside my window on this road trip here in British Columbia beheld a beautiful dark brown moose calf drinking from a culvert filled with cold, fresh run-off from the snowpack above. During dinner out one evening with my uncle and his wife who live in Kelowna, he said that in almost 25 years, he has only spotted two moose, proving they are elusive no matter which province I travel in!

As we crested Highway 97 after fours on the road, we stopped in at a very welcoming and brand new visitor centre (Route 97 Connector Visitor Centre) to buy an ice cream cone and get our bearings. After collecting some information, we stood outside high above a lake glistening in the sun and marvelled at the 30 degree Celsius temperatures with patches of snow still visible here and there. This stop was the apex of #Route97 and just over the ridge on a long, meandering highway, Kelowna sat among the ponderosa pine waiting to welcome us.

The perfect view from our picnic table in Bridal Veil Falls Provincial Park located in beautiful British Columbia near the city of Hope.

An aerial view of some of the incredible mosses draping the ancient trees in the park (Bridal Veil Falls Provincial Park, B.C.)

This is my Knight of the Green Wood found among the broadleaf maples and cedars of Bridal Veil Falls Provincial Park, B.C. Can you see him?

A shout-out to Terry’s sister Karen who came out from Ontario to spend one of the warmest and driest May months on record with us and made this special trip possible!



About anotetohuguette

I'm currently blogging from the beautiful West Coast city of Vancouver, British Columbia - a vibrant city by the sea, surrounded by mountains and a very unique urban forest.
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47 Responses to #Route97 (Part 1)

  1. Shirley says:

    Saw your wide-eyed knight, eyes as large as a robin egg, face like puss-in-boots. Your travel brings me back to the interior, where mountains meet sky and stream. The smell of wood on the logging trucks, trickles of water from high, culminating in their own rivers, pounding down into the Nicola River onto highways and fields of cattle. A sojourn away from the bustle of the city, a holiday filled with wildlife, forests, and peace.
    Thanks for the memories
    Love Mom

    Liked by 1 person

    • I’m so glad you can see “him” and I’m glad this post brought back some wonderful memories, Mom…it’s so beautiful up country, I remember seeing a large Cinnamon bear running toward the Nicola River (near Merritt) and the sunsets are gorgeous and yes, on this trip we did smell the freshly cut wood on the logging trucks!


      • Shirley says:

        I remember friends camping out of Merritt, just for a weekend get-away. Wanting to swim in the river to cool off. Unfortunately, a large bear had the same idea, and stayed in the water for a couple of hours. They decided not to join him.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Beautiful description of your journey. I’ve also never heard of the ocean singing. It must have been a lovely experience.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I’m in love with moss, Kim, and the ferns that grow from the tree trunks and branches. What a beautiful journey you’re on. You make nature come alive with your appreciation of all the glorious details and the poetry of your words. Enjoy your adventure!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. What a beautiful journey Kimberlee. To see a moose, a knight, rare moss and hear the ocean singing. Magical!
    Your post appeared on my Reader today. Hurray!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I absolutely loved this post. I felt like I was traveling with you! Bravo!~Kim

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Such a lovely journey Kimberlee, thank you for taking us along with your beautiful images of the mosses and ferns, the river and the sound of the ocean :o) xxx

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Ocean singing! Wonderful! You have a gift for taking those photos looking UP through the trees. Nice!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. markmkane says:

    Loved your descriptive post about your trip Kimberlee. It felt as if I was there with you. Now if I can only get a sound machine to generate natures sounds as I read your posts then it would truly be magical. I get to travel vicariously to parts of the world through your posts.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Kimberlee, wow! It sounds like a magnificent journey. So happy that you spotted a moose. šŸ™‚ That is so cool.

    It’s lovely to reconnect with you. Your photos are wonderful.
    Blessings to you and all your family,

    ps – do you prefer Kim or Kimberlee?

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you (always!) for stopping by…it’s a treat to read your lovely words again after your hiatus and Kim or Kimberlee is fine (my Mom appreciates the use of my full name as she spent a lot of time in the choosing of it!), thank you for asking, Debbie!


      • Shirley says:

        After reading poetry by Rudyard Kipling on Kim, a male and knowing Kim was a name for both genders my Husband and I spent hours on her name, Mainly because in those years, Grandma and Aunties names were passed down Of these none we cared to use. So with a couple of e’s came up with Kimberlee.
        Kim’s Mom

        Liked by 1 person

  10. Mackenzie says:

    What an absolutely beautiful time.. your description made me feel like I was there. Gosh, you are such an incredible writer and never cease to amaze me!

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Robyn Haynes says:

    Beautiful country! I loved your descriptions and the photo of that amazing moss.

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Oh your words, Kim! Right at the beginning the quote from Ralph Waldo Emerson gets me into the mood and then your words of liquid beauty. Thank you for the beautiful prose and the thick cut sandwiches alongside. xx

    Liked by 1 person

  13. cindy knoke says:

    Oh my God, that Emerson quote just kills me, as he usually does. It isn’t a place, or a person, that is beautiful that is a challenge. It is a place, or person, who doesn’t initially seem to be beautiful, but actually is, but only if your look harder, that is the challenge, and is the harder found, more beautiful beauty.

    Liked by 1 person

  14. manyofus1980 says:

    wow! this sounds exquisite! what a wonderful trip you had! I loved reading about it!

    Liked by 1 person

  15. You weave magic with words, Kim, and no one better than you can string the beauty of nature into words. You sure had a wonderful trip after even the oceans sang a beautiful send off only for you!

    Liked by 1 person

  16. Your writing and images are infused with the beauty of your soul…it’s such an inspiration to be connected to someone so authentic and poetic and undeniably gifted. Thank you for sharing and sweeping us along… šŸ™‚

    Liked by 1 person

  17. Miriam says:

    I loved this post Kim. The way you describe nature immerses us fully and truly brings everything to life. The ocean, the tree moss and of course the moose. How very special. Thank you for transporting me with this lovely post. šŸ™‚

    Liked by 1 person

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