High Summer

We are invited to slow down and join in a Goethian noticing…of a particular bird with its particular gesture.” – Talbot Kelly & family (www.talbotkelly.com)

I found myself sitting on a still-green hill after another delicious fish and chips lunch outside, sitting near a young midnight-hued Common Raven. We noticed its majestic wing-span and large dark beak as it landed on the stone wall near our table at the concession at Lumberman’s Arch. I thought it was a large crow as it swooped down to capture a bit of someone’s leftover picnic. We watched as it flew into the shade (where we are now) to eat its prize – as we got up to leave we passed the raven resting upon the cool grass and stood curiously nearby as he didn’t fly away at our approach. We noticed that the raven was favouring his left leg, so we stayed awhile to keep him company, sharing some of our farmer’s market cherries as we softly talked to him. He settled about 8 feet from us as he rested and the peaceful energy between us felt very sacred in this natural setting. Ravens are sky people and to be able to commune closely with this young one was an unexpected gift.

It was hard to leave our new feathered friend but we were eager to walk the trails and keep cool on yet another hot day. On our way, we found another hill to sit on at the base of a large cedar with a view of the strait to our right as we sipped our ice tea and took in the beautiful setting before heading deeper into the forest. The trail we walk takes us through lush green down to Beaver Lake to hear the frog chorus and watch shimmering dragonflies hover near our shady bench. There is still generous foliage to admire among the delicate pinks and pure whites of the lilies crowding the surface of the brackish water still housing a beaver lodge that’s been here for years.

The undulating heatwaves haven’t left their mark here yet, there is still fresh air to breathe and gauzy blue sky high above a wall of jade-green forest to look upon. Walking here, no matter the direction, always gives me the feeling of having escaped to the country, the hum of the city muted by the drowsy buzzing of bees and the call of the odd Wood Duck perched on gnarled branches almost touching the water. Nearby, the sunflowers are starting to raise their sunny faces to the sky and berries of all different colours are starting to appear on some of the trees. A Northern Flicker brought her young one to a tall tree with dark orange berries, its excited calls drawing my attention, another gentle reminder that high summer is upon us…

Our new feathered friend, a young Common Raven sharing some sacred space with us near Lumberman’s Arch in Stanley Park (Vancouver, B.C.).

Resting in the cool grass about 8 feet from us after indulging in farmer’s market cherries from the Okanagan!

A high summer view of Beaver Lake from our shady bench in Stanley Park (Vancouver. B.C.).

Beaver Lake is surrounded by beautiful trails and forest, it’s hard to believe that this beauty is just minutes from our West End apartment!

As I sit here, polishing this post, that high summer day seems dream-like now as smoke from the almost 600 fires burning up country and up north blanket our city and beyond – in the past two days we have been blessed with fresher air, it’s a joy to leave our windows open to summer again.




About anotetohuguette

I'm currently blogging from the beautiful West Coast city of Vancouver, British Columbia - a vibrant city by the sea, surrounded by mountains and a very unique urban forest.
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42 Responses to High Summer

  1. Shirley says:

    Today the weather has improved, the sky is close to blue, and breathing is easier. Worry about friends living close to the fires and the smoke which permeates their life. It was like a curtain had come down on our planet, wildlife, birds having problems with breathing. In the sky today only 2 gulls swooping and soaring, looking for food. May September bring about healing for all.
    Love Mom

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you, Mom…September is just around the corner and after the claustrophobic coastal smoke, it’s lovely to walk in the rain and breathe in fresher air. Vancouverites are not known for celebrating the rain, the news this morning is reporting that we are rejoicing in this wonderful phenomena!


  2. What a beautiful post on the gifts of Mother Nature. You had a very blessed day. 🌼

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Mackenzie says:

    so very beautifully written as usual. I actually have a bit of a fear of crows (And I think I would get a Raven mixed up with a crow), but the way you described the creature so delicately softened my perspective toward them. Thank you for sharing, Kimberlee ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  4. So glad to hear you can open the windows again Kim and thank you for letting us stroll along with you through the peaceful scenery through your beautiful images and words. What a treat to see this young raven – he seems very pleased with the cherry offering! Have a great rest of the weekend and much love from all of us here :o) xxx

    Liked by 1 person

    • I promised you a glimpse of the area that reminds me of the beautiful trails you walk on in the highlands of Scotland…some rain has finally fallen, cleansing the air even more…Vancouverites are not known for celebrating the rain but here we are!

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Such beautiful photos. I absolutely love ravens, but have only been lucky enough to see one or two. We do have lots of large crows that take over the garden though. 🙂 xxx

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Beautiful words and images, I felt I was with you as I walked the trail and shared time with the raven – I’ve never seen a raven, though I love crows. A lovely, calming interlude. I hope that the fires are over soon.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Another lovely post about summer, Kim, and I enjoyed the photos of your feathered friend. I hope now that the change of wind has brought some relief from the heat and smoke. Autumn seems to have suddenly dropped by. Have a lovely week. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much, Diana…you are so right, there is a scent of autumn and its magic in the air…it’s cloudy outside now but the fresher air eclipses any sadness, summer is supposed to return tomorrow!


  8. calmkate says:

    Very refreshing and relaxing, thank you!
    Birds know when they are safe .. then you spoilt him 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Beautiful pictures, and I love this description!


  10. markmkane says:

    I love the pictures Kimberlee! Your posts are so descriptive but very reflective as well. The way you write your posts makes me take in my natural surroundings with awe and wonderment; it also makes me reflect on my life and things going on with it. It’s always a treat reading your weekly posts.

    Liked by 1 person

    • What lovely words to read, Mark! I’ll never forget the beautiful evening walks I enjoyed on Oahu…I couldn’t believe that some of the hotel lobbies were open to the warm tropical breezes…you’ll have to write a Haiku on your natural surroundings one day!

      Liked by 1 person

  11. michnavs says:

    I have been so pre occupied lately …in fact i havent posted poems for quite a while..and the sad thing though is while i am busy i also have forgotten to appreciate the very gift that would help me slow down: nature at its best….your post literally brought me.put of my house and see the world …

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Your words gently allure me to your world and into the forest of trees with the bright summer sky above it. I have just returned from a vacation and your post took me back in time to the days I spent in the midst of the songs of nature.
    Enjoy your summer days, Kim.

    Liked by 1 person

  13. I was up in the mountains one day when two ravens passed overhead. The air was especially still, and though the birds were a good fifty feet up, I got the distinct impression I could feel ever so slightly the power of their wings. I doubt that was but an illusion, and yet…it was there.

    Liked by 1 person

  14. grumpygorman says:

    You capture with such beauty.. thanks for the invitation into your mind and soul.

    Liked by 1 person

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