Deep Time

Thou art the journey and the journey’s end.” – Michael Mayne Dean 1986-96, noted in Westminster Abbey, London, England.

Our time in London was spent in a beautiful family-owned modern flat in the Docklands area near North Greenwich – on our first day we found ourselves jumping onto a Thames Clipper boat, a sleek machine that takes one up and down the river. Along the way, there were many sights and bridges to take in while sipping on a creamy English hot chocolate, perfect on a misty winter morning. We got off at Westminster to go on a whirlwind walk through the iconic city on New Year’s Eve day, on the hunt for some craft beer to try – most pubs were closing at 3 pm to get ready for the night’s celebrations, we finally found one, a modern-looking affair called the Bridge Tap before heading back to the flat. It was wonderful to sit for awhile and take it all in! The next day or so were spent on a Big Bus Tour, another Thames Clipper boat jaunt to Westminster to take in some of the New Year’s Day parade and exploring the enchantment that is Convent Garden. It’s hard to believe that on the day we landed at Gatwick airport, we ended up on a lovely drive through the English countryside of Surrey and Kent after a filling homemade traditional English breakfast. The sun came out just for us, revealing winding roads and hidden valleys on our way to a castle by a lake.

At this moment, after a day spent wandering through Westminster Abbey and along the river, I don’t want to think about time winding down, however, the Tower of London and another tasty meal at a pub or restaurant awaits us before we take the train back to Surrey. We have spent time in some unique pubs, some wearing their long histories well and others sporting a more modern look. London is a popular destination for many travellers at this time of year and at most of the pubs we found ourselves in, some menu items could not be had as the establishment had run out of bread or had simply run out of food! The dear staff although weary, “carried on” and left us with some wonderful memories.

Some of those memories are now stitched into my soul – falling asleep with the blind up and window open to watch the tide gently roll in and hear the boats chiming upon each incoming wavelet, their sound a gentle lullaby after a busy day of sight-seeing. One of my favourite memories is a steam-punk moment, looking up above busy London peppered with medieval buildings, I saw quite a few airplanes crossing the sky, some leaving intricate designs in their contrail wakes – one even created a pattern of a cross!

The scent of wood smoke weaved through our senses on the days we spent with family in Surrey and in London, the sweet candy-like scent of caramelised peanuts and almonds infused the cool air on walks through ancient history. Other tangible moments never to be forgotten – the facets and sparkle of the Royal Crown jewels displayed in London Tower, the raucous calls of the Tower Ravens, birds that seemed twice as large as our own West Coast ravens and the graceful dance of a flock of starlings above the waves rolling in from the Channel beside colourful Brighton Pier where we gambled for awhile with 1 pence coins.

London is a city awash in colours of cream, dark brown and matte black with shocks of spring-like green and after a rainfall, it just shimmers. A magical city that burrows under one’s skin, resulting in a recent trek to a downtown candy store in my own city where I bought creamy English chocolate, longing to return.

Our lovely view from the flat on the Thames, the fabulous O2 is just minutes away and our favourite fusion restaurant, Wagamama! I had a wander through Paper Chase and came away with some unique stationery items.

Iconic captures from our Big Bus tour through London, it gave us a great overview of this magical city.

We never tired of these stunning views outside our Big Bus windows, I can hardly wait to go back!

An outside view of the Prospect of Whitby pub where we tried a London Pale Ale glass with lunch!

Our time in London was pre-pandemic, so much has now changed or is changing daily there and all over the world – I hope this note finds you all well, thank you so much for all your support and kind words as I wander safely through our WordPress world!










About anotetohuguette

I'm currently blogging from the beautiful West Coast city of Vancouver, British Columbia - a vibrant city by the sea, surrounded by mountains and a very unique urban forest.
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37 Responses to Deep Time

  1. Tranature - quiet moments in nature says:

    A beautiful post Kim and it’s great to see you had such a wonderful time in London and created these magical memories. Stay safe and well and have a lovely weekend 🤗💖 xxx

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Thanks for sharing a bit of your trip to London, Kim. I’m afraid that I’m not a city girl and my someday future trip to England will be more of an exploration of ruins and castles. 🙂 But there is something quintessentially English about those buses! I hope you’re doing well. Stay safe, my friend. ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Eliza Waters says:

    The world hardly seems the same as it was mere weeks ago. I bet you appreciate your trip even more now than ever.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. calmkate says:

    I felt like I meandered thru London with you, I know these places well but your description includes the senses so it really took me there 🙂
    Yes WP is the ideal ‘safe’ place for interactions and HUGS … take care lovely lady ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Luanne says:

    Kim, this is lovely. I especially like the colors of London. I don’t know how you can write like this in the current chaos!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I am so glad you got to visit London and the English countryside. Precious memories Kimberlee. May you and your loved ones remain safe and well. x

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Miriam says:

    How lovely to take a virtual stroll through London Kim. I felt like I was walking it with you, enjoying all the sights and colours. Your words never fail to transport me. Thank you and stay safe. xx

    Liked by 1 person

  8. michnavs says:

    It felt like i strolled London along with you kim thanka for this lovely post and i hope you are well and safe. And pls send my love to Shirley..

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Quirky Girl says:

    Thank you for sharing that lovely, enchanted stroll. The only “stroll” I’ve taken lately was to the post office… needless to say, that was nowhere near as delightful. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • I’m so happy to see your words here! I also made two trips to the post office lately, today was spent organizing two boxes and a small bag of loose photos (a wonderful “stay inside” project!). I wonder what tomorrow will bring?


  10. markmkane says:

    Loved this post Kimberlee. With so much happening in our world today, it was good to read your post. I get to travel to another country while staying indoors. It was a great respite from my daily life. Stay safe.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you, Mark, for this loveliest of comments! Staying indoors is a great challenge especially if the weather is beautiful, we try to get out daily for a walk if we can and spend one day a week totally inside to help flatten the curve.


  11. Robyn Haynes says:

    The last time I was in London was 1980. You have revived the treasured memories. Thank you Kim

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Every time I read any post on London, I can feel myself there again, wandering through its quiet streets and then the busy thoroughfares. Thank you for conjuring the happy feelings that London means for me through your lovely description of your time there. As for the countryside, that is where the soul blossoms.
    And I have always found that when clouds fester in the gloomy British skies, the sun often decides to part a way through the clouds and overwhelm the day with its brilliance. Those are singularly cheerful moments just like you were blessed with, it seems. x

    Liked by 1 person

  13. cindy knoke says:

    “Thou art the journey and the journey’s end.”
    How amazing is this!

    Liked by 1 person

  14. I love the title of this post Kimberlee and your descriptions really do seem to capture a trip outside of time. It’s lovely to read about your perspective on London as a magical city – I don’t know the city well, but have been many times over the years.


    • I see that you’ve posted a piece and will make my way over shortly! Thank you for stopping by, I still feel a bit “outside of time” as we make our way through this pandemic, in between the worry, I’m managing to take note of beauty.

      Liked by 1 person

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