Real Time

Here we are, trapped in the amber of the moment. There is no why.” – Kurt Vonnegut

Warmer air amid the lingering light herald this early rush of spring, showing up in lush masses of white snowdrops, the royal purple and golden hue of crocuses as well as the odd patch of nodding canary yellow daffodils. Another welcome sign of the coming new season came in an email from my Mom, letting me know that the free vouchers for some of the upcoming spring concerts arrived on the bulletin board in the lobby of her building.

On a recent cloudy Sunday, Mom and I made our way downtown eagerly looking forward to the concert performance of “Symphonie Fantastique” at the iconic Orpheum Theatre just a short walk from her apartment. It was a lovely afternoon filled with the sounds of love, obsession and heartbreak layered in a veil of steampunk richly interpreted by the Vancouver Academy of Music Symphony Orchestra. The pieces that transported us came from the works of Benton Roark (b. 1977), Sergei Prokofiev (1891-1953) and Hector Berlioz (1803-1869). The presence of 5 harps as well as 2 bell ringers added another musical dimension to the soaring sound of the many violins and cellos. This particular joy – finding ourselves among like-minded people seeking culture and exquisite music is a wonderful balm, smoothing out some rough edges that have crept into my world.

The topography of the land I usually walk upon has changed dramatically – for the last 6 weeks or so I have been traversing foreign soil, helping my father as he recovers from a hospital stay that has somehow left him fragile and unsure of himself. There is shopping to do, dishes to wash and phone calls to make – my father does not have the strength or interest at the moment in returning to his former life. He seems bewildered by this sudden change and frankly, so am I.

My days pass so quickly, I have to remind myself to breathe, drink water or have lunch among the extra tasks that have blossomed like giddy spring flowers in what was once a tidy garden. Thankfully, with love and support, we are making our way, drawing a new map with the help of his family physician, our local health unit, dear friends and of course, family. We are adjusting to the new equipment and medication that now shares his space with the hope that he can continue to live independently – happy among his books, moving confidently once again through his world. As his daughter, I’m aware that these moments are occurring in real time, meant to be held close and cherished.

This stunning angle makes one think they could be anywhere, perhaps even in the country but it is a favourite spot found in the middle of Stanley Park (Vancouver, B.C.).

This stunning angle makes one think they could be anywhere, perhaps even in the country but it is a favourite spot found in the middle of Stanley Park (Vancouver, B.C.).

This post is dedicated to a talented local musician, Bob White (late of the cool band, the Bobcats) who was here one moment and gone the next, he passed away suddenly on February 3rd, 2017, I will dearly miss his shy smile.

About anotetohuguette

I'm currently blogging from the beautiful West Coast city of Vancouver, British Columbia - a vibrant city by the sea, surrounded by mountains and a very unique urban forest.
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17 Responses to Real Time

  1. You write like a song bird. I wish your father the best, I too have those days.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. markmkane says:

    You have such beautifully descriptive passages…looking forward to your artistic prose describing the approaching spring season. Hope your father has a quick and safe recovery. I too had to go through something similar with my father…I was worried, stressed and confused all at the same time. It was like our roles were reversed where my father became the child and I the concerned parent. Stay strong and hang in there.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you for your very comforting words and lovely comment regarding this very personal post – I’m currently away for a few days on Vancouver Island and have already started to craft this week’s post, the scenery is so inspirational, it’s hard not to! I hope you’ll enjoy the read!


  3. Shirley Ross says:

    A piece of life most of us have to travel through. Thank heavens for my children who care. Lovely blog.
    Love Mom

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Ugetse says:

    Love your quote. Yes, it seems like so many West Enders are leaving us lately.,,one after another. It is so sweet of you to express your feelings on most of them Life is fragile. We must live it fully. So enjoy your mini holiday on the island. There will be more concerts with your mom and more outings with your dad on your return, I am sure. Your dad seem sereine today.
    Loving hugs. The photo is great too. ✨❤️✨

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you, dear Huguette! We are enjoying our woodland studio here on Vancouver Island, it is winter cold and we are happy to put the gas fireplace on to warm our cozy space. Last night with the sky so clear, the stars looked like they were cascading down on us! We phoned Dad yesterday and he did sound happy, let’s hope he feels better soon! Thank you for checking in on him, we appreciate your loving attention!

      Liked by 1 person

  5. michnavs says:

    A beautiful prose with really pretty images..

    Liked by 1 person

  6. So many blessings to your Dad, and to all who care for him. And to you and your mom. ❤ Hugs.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Firstly, wishing your father a speedy recovery and I hope you too remember to take care of yourself, Kim! Spring brings joy and your prose did just that!
    Take good care, Kim!

    Liked by 1 person

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