
We know that in September, we will wander through the warm winds of summer’s wreckage. We will welcome summer’s ghost.” – Henry Rollins

It was on the news again, a reminder that these high summer nights were the best time to see nature’s own fireworks display glancing off the earth’s atmosphere. Deep in a night closer to dawn, I stood in front of the open sliding glass doors nine floors up to catch the show. There was a beautiful temperate breeze cooling my skin and when I looked up into the dark sky, I could see the sparkle of stars and knew I might be in luck to see the Perseids meteor shower once again as the earth made its way through the ancient dust of meteors long gone. As I waited, it felt like I could hear the velvet night breathing, the only noise, a soft cooing from a sleepy pigeon and the odd raucous call of a gull. No one else seemed to be watching, even though a few windows were lamp-lit but not enough to obscure the two bright pulses of light streaking across the sky, the only ones I spied before heading back to bed.

It’s worth some interrupted sleep to marvel at something bigger than ourselves, a mystical distraction from the unravelling of the world taking place on our screens and sometimes just outside our doors. Each time we turn on our TV or computer, we are met with the sight of protesters from all four corners of the globe, unimaginable sorrow and tales that echo sagas from the world of Lord Of The Rings. Was the world always this way, unravelling at the speed of light that captures the innocent, monetizes the wild beauty of nature and dumbs down the miracle of life into swathes of data to be mined by others whose unravelling has reached a peak I hope never to climb?

Each brand new day gives us a chance to capture the frayed edges of this unravelling, hopefully binding them into some kind of wholeness, stopping the momentum just for a moment, helping all to imagine a different world and new horizons before the unravelling stops cold because we’ve all run out of time.

Our favourite trail near the Urban Forest Café in Stanley Park (Vancouver, B.C.), it’s now closed until next spring and I’ll miss seeing this lush green.

The urban rainforest of Stanley Park (Vancouver, B.C.) is filled with stunning shots like this! We are forever grateful to be able to explore this natural gallery…

Autumn’s golden touch is starting to make itself known, all that lush green will start to burnish as the days fly by!


About anotetohuguette

I'm currently blogging from the beautiful West Coast city of Vancouver, British Columbia - a vibrant city by the sea, surrounded by mountains and a very unique urban forest.
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27 Responses to Unravelling

  1. ugetse says:

    « Running out of time «  This is so true. Your notes are always full of meaning. It show your engaging soul. I am very much attracted to the mystery of the sky. I was fascinated by this year’s Perseid Meteor show. Never seen one so clear in Vancouver. Thanks Kimita for another note from the heart.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. markmkane says:

    You’re so lucky Kimberlee. I wish I could’ve seen that meteor shower. Where I live, you never see something like that. It really must’ve been some sight to behold. It really makes you appreciate all that life has to offer if we just stop and open our eyes. Thanks for sharing this beautiful post, I vicariously lived it through your words.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you (always!), Mark! In your beautiful world, there is nothing like coming across a lovely starfruit lying on a path to a Buddhist temple or reaching out to touch a prickly pineapple upon the reddest of soils or set eyes on a delicious looking papaya hanging from lush green!
      Your words never fail to encourage me to get out there so I can share my world…

      Liked by 2 people

  3. Shirley Ross says:

    This is so true. We all need to see and feel the magnificence of where and who we are. I try not to dwell on the news, and as words seem to jump into a reality of no hope, a rainbow, or a star, fills me with reverence and wonder. Love this as per usual, and keep enjoying life.
    Love Mom

    Liked by 2 people

  4. It’s well worth getting up for in the middle of the night Kim! It must be such a treat to see a meteor shower with your own eyes, as a child of the Universe, with a glimpse of where we come from 🙂💜 xxx

    Liked by 2 people

    • My favourite meteor shower happens near the December solstice, the sky comes alive with streaking light in the middle of the darkened park on a cold fall night after wandering through the Bright Nights exhibit to celebrate the season!
      Thank you for stopping by and enjoying the read, Xenia!

      Liked by 2 people

  5. calmkate says:

    exquisite writing, I love the night sky and was blessed to see two nights of wild comet rain years ago 🙂 very calming and sereal ❤
    This post shows I'm still following you but this did not show in my reader … WP gremlins!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. michnavs says:

    I was so thrilled reading this….as i honestly haven’t seen a meteor shower in my whole life, and your words made it so alive and real..that i am now compelled to look outside with the hope to see the wonders of the sky.. and ahh…i was never disappointed, the sky from where i am is really magnificent right now..

    Liked by 2 people

  7. Beautifully put, Kim, yet darker than your usual messages of reflection and peace in the moment. The unraveling of the world is more than unsettling and it’s hard not to despair at times. The vastness of the night sky often reminds me that this too shall pass, and I find comfort in that. ❤

    Liked by 2 people

  8. Jina Bazzar says:

    Even with the darker aspect of unraveling , your post is lovely. I’ve never seen a meteor shower with clarity, but I remember as a kid, i liked to spend long minutes watching the sky.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Beautiful descriptions of the night and the light show, leading on to ponderings as deep as the night! We get too much light pollution here usually to see the whole spectrum of the stars.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Jade M. Wong says:

    Ahh I’ve always wanted to witness a meteor shower. Your descriptions of the world and the night were lovely—I could hear the sliding doors open and feel the breeze. I also agree that we should take more time out to unplug from the digital world and reconnect with the natural world. There is so much out there beyond our screens. Thank you for sharing such a beautiful moment and reminder 💜

    Liked by 1 person

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